Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Heart of Ice

Talk amongst yourselves: What would qualify one to have a heart of ice?

Bonus q: Ok what about a heart of "kick ass"?


Blogger Anonymous said...

Ah... Happy New Years. I tried sending a text to you -- and then realized you'll never get it at your current number :-) Hope the alien child is doing well!

A heart of ice... Good question. Allow me to be disgustingly out of charachter and sachrine for a moment and say that if one can define something but what it is not, a heart of ice is the opposite of whatever it is is throbbing away in your chest (unless it's the alien child).

::pause:: ::wrap oneself in warm and fuzzies:: ::blush if it seems necessary:: ::OK, enough::

Now then... The first thing that comes to mind is a complete and utter disregard for all other living beings. I would suggest that this includes a willingness and ability to turn on friends and comrades at a drop of a pin as the ice-heart bearer sees fit to better his/her position in life (or just because it might be fun) but I can't imagine anyone of such an ilk having close enough acquintances to do so. I suppouse the ultimate self-involved person would fit the bill, but the ultimate heart of ice would probably despise itself as well.

A heart of kick ass? Well, a pissed-off donkey obviously!


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