Thanks Google for the Heads Up About a Birthday!
For Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle! Damn man - 1859 was a hella long time ago! Like seriously dude - that makes you...OLD. And Sherlock Holmes looks just as strung out (see 2nd pic in link) as he did when you first thought him up but one minor detail to note...he's not decomposin' in a box, buddy!
Anyway, Happy Birthday man - without you my early teens would have been full instead of Miss Jane Marple and her "i'm not too old to solve mysteries but really would much rather be in my garden and oh isn't it horrible how the young folks these days don't take the time to garden anymore, never mind being able to find one to help me with mine and wouldn't it be a perfect afternoon to do some knitting and, oh, there's another dead body, i really must be going - ta ta" routine...instead of Holmes' cocaine habit , Stradivarius and beloved male physician/writer friend who lives next door and eventually is "married" to a woman...
yes yes, your wholesome tales enriched my life ... and (i'm getting for klempt) you totally rock! or ... you did anyway.
By the way, lj user "blankedyblank" is absolutely right - this video is hilarious and probably can stand to be listened to another 5 times maybe by myself at the very least.
sorry for the lapse in bloggin - but hey - it happens y'know? :) And life goes on. I promise!