Friday, March 24, 2006

One Pleases Me, The Other Confuses Me

Ok so the 2nd doesn't _confuse_ me exactly...
but it is pretty heady stuff!! ;)

Monday, March 13, 2006

International Women's Day 2006

So March 8th went by without much to-do here. Which in and of itself is not that surprising as folks here are pathologically passive for the most part. But when they are not, watch out! So inefficient and fake. Psuedoliberals.

Anyway a belated day to all you women out there ...And a happy Women's History Month.

Remember, anything you can do, Rosie can do better! :D

Pre-Match Day...

Well a hearty congratulations to all those who found out they matched today! Yay!

*opens up the champagne with a POP* to wait until Thursday to find out where you're going eh? Good luck and so sorry I can't be there to share it with you in person.

In the meantime, check out Michelle Au's comic if you've never seen it before. Most entertaining.

My friend JL shared with me a quote from a mentor from the psych wards, "If you have a high IQ and bipolar disorder, you're destined to change the world."

Friday, March 10, 2006

More Points on Dubai and the "US" Ports

- The ports weren't U.S. owned to begin with. Are any of them?? So the national security argument may be valid but it isn't well-grounded... unless of course we conflate Arab-ness with security issues. And Lord knows we wouldn't want to do that, now would we?

- There are rumors re: Halliburton being the mysterious white knight of sorts...but that's not what worries me, said the Wicked Witch of the West...It's how these things get done. They mus tbe done.... delicately. Or you hurt the spell.

- what spell you ask? I'm glad you did - when's the last time you liked what you saw there. I mean really liked, not self-help section "self-affirmation" but really truly said "hey now, you're hot, life's good and ... damn, you're one sexy beast" or some such? been awhile right? of course it has - because our self-esteem, our way of life, life as we know it, life, the universe and everything are not-so-slowly and not-at-all-quietly being outsourced to places like India and China.
- and the spell of course is one of apathy and a stunted emotional affect...delivered via the best soul-sucker franchise out there, namely mainstream media and _TV_.
- Here's a quote from the NY Daily News about Halliburton's involvement in the Dubai compromise:

DP World honcho H. Edward Bilkey made it clear in a statement that "DP World will not suffer economic loss" by shedding the New York City Passenger Ship Terminal in the W. 50s and ports in Newark, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New Orleans and Miami.

So, said Rep. Vito Fossella (R-S.I.), "The fundamental question is this: Who are operations being transferred to?"

DP World did not say. And scratch Halliburton off the list.

Melissa Norcross, a spokeswoman for the controversial U.S. company once headed by Vice President Cheney, called suggestions circulating on the Hill that they might take over "false and baseless."

Now I'm not always the swiftest of souls to be sure, but I am clearly missing something here. What in that last brief quote from Norcross indicates that we can scratch Halliburton off the list, so to speak? This is a serious epidemic, namely, journalists taking corporation assertions as Gospel According to The Flying Spaghetti Monster...or at least gospel anyway.

Dubious Dealings of Dubya & Dubai, et cetera

Need I say more?

Seriously though, it appears as if the latest twist in this scam-a-rific ports deal is being swallowed up by the propagandites all over the place. It's the same old story: the facts are out there but can anyone put 2 and 2 together and still get 4 in this day and age? I think not, or else we'd all be in an uproar at this latest smoke and mirrors trick brought to you by the best and brightest behind the dimmest...

So what am I going on about? Well surely you've heard that Dubai Ports World (which btw sounds more like an amusement park than a corporation) is now saying that

"because of the strong relationship between the United Arab Emirates and the United States and to preserve that relationship, DP World has decided to transfer fully the US operation of P&O Operations North America to a United States entity."

Transfer, not sell. Unknown identity. Could, therefore, be a US-based subsidiary of Dubai Ports World, right? Sure - why not.

A side note: Dubai Ports World is also known by its acronym, DPW...which oddly enough, in the good ole US of A usually stands for Department of Public Works. Hmmmmm.

Anywho, the point is - we don't know who this US "entity" is and therefore, the wiggle room created/maintained by this so-framed compromise is more like get-down-tonight room for us and all our dancing buddies. Forget the wiggling, time to get

And we know who we want at the party: India for sure, U.A.E., Pakistan will get an invite with the full understanding that they shouldn't bother to actually show up (not yet anyway), ... oh, and Condeleeza of course (see Wed NY Times' front page photo - Bush looking at her looking at who knows who... I must say, the woman does look quite fetching in them silks...fetch me a glass of water will ya?)

Ah yes, that was the gods... or rather their secretaries calling to inform me that my cosmic ledger sheet is being updated again... more red marks. Apparently I'm in debt with the dudes n dudettes upstairs in addition to everything else. LOL What else is new, right? I told her she needn't bother. Save the taxprayer's offerings for some other besotted soul. And yes, I did use the plural of secretary. They called all at the same time. It's kinda hard to hear with all those voices in your head all at once like that...but you do get used to it over time. And anyway, they were saying the same things, for the most part.

and I will leave you all with a quote stolen from Afrodisiah that seems to sum up all things truly relevant quite nicely:

I love it when you go down on me. But soon as I start to feel it gettin good, you go back up. I hate you!...