World Cup - Day Two
World Cup - Day Two
Yay excitement!
It looks like this series is going to be full of excitement and surprise, if the first day is any predictor, with Ecuador's amazing upset against Poland! Sadly I missed it.
Today though I followed them all fairly closely save the best one. Grr. Of course.
Instead I got my kicks, so to speak, from the Argentina-Cote'd'Ivore game. ARG took it 2-1 but CIV put in such a good fight that it could easily have been much different. But I worry about them against Holland next Friday. We shall see...
The first game of the day, England vs. Paraguay was a disappointment at 8 minutes in! But then Paraguay got their act together and held the score at 1-0. Still, that self-inflicted goal had to have hurt BIG TIME. And neither side really seemed to be on their game. So, naturally, I had trouble enjoying the rest of the game also. I'm just mad that ENG won with such poor attacking is all. And would have been interested to see Paraguay win, or at least put in a better showing.
Trinidad and Tobago vs. Sweden was actually a very very exciting game with no score, though I wasn't really able to follow much of that game live (otherwise I am 100% sure I'd have talked about it first). But of course the most noted bullet point on that game is the size factor, i.e. that T&T is the smallest country in the tourney but they managed to hold their own against Sweden. Someone on a blog said "yeah, but sweden isn't a great team...they're good but not great" what? does that somehow detract from T&T's performance? With a man down the whole of the 2nd half no less?! Yay Hoslip! More more more!
Then there is Day Three! Can't wait - breakfast is suddenly so much more worthy of being put off until 9. :D Netherlands v. Serbia and Montenegro is the first...
Looks like I'll suddenly jump right back into being a quotidian blogger again, thanks to the games!
But if you don't see a post here check my LJ site as that gets updated more frequently these days. laughinglioness - let me know if you are on LJ and I'll add you esp since there are occ. locked posts there...