Thursday, July 19, 2007

Flock meet Blogger'

I have finally succumbed to the forces of Google-the-new. Someone should write "The Epic of Google"...but maybe wait until the stock is only semi-overvalued.

Like A Clown Over Here


Flock, meet New Google, otherwise known as New Blogger, otherwise known as New-Blogger-after-steroids (erm, I mean hype)....

Good good - they're getting along quite nicely they are...

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Blogged with Flock

New Blogger

I have finally succumbed to the forces of Google-the-new. Someone should write "The Epic of Google"...but maybe wait until the stock is only semi-overvalued.

So anyway we shall see if I like the new.... setup. We shall see. For now - 'tis bedtime.

Until next time,

Be Seeing you....

Number 2