Thursday, December 16, 2004

What Crazy Looks Like Today

Lots to tell of course - as it has been a few days but let me talk fast for the moment since I'm on a few missions... :)

Basically got here Monday - and jumped right in. So far it's a daily discovery of disturbing denials of disastrous decay...ok maybe it's not that bad but the greenhouse is horrible. There are aphids running rampant and mealybugs and spider mites and scales. And overwatering to an extreme in some cases (though that's partly due to poor choice of soil medium). And none of the plants are labeled...

Nevertheless, I have never had such a complete feeling of belonging as I have here. Everyone here is kinda loopy in their own way but, most of the time, it's a positive thing and they are warm, kind, well-meaning nutcases. LOL Seriously though, everyone is pretty laid back and easy going. Only problem is - that means different things to different people.

You've got your crew of folks who are pretty cool and progressive and doing great things, i.e. working hard without the stress of that ivy-league attitude...

Then you've got your crew of folks - a phenom mostly seen amongst the staff so far (but mind you it is holiday break and I haven't met many folks yet!) - who have the typical 9-5 mentality of the working world but take advantage of the laid back atmosphere in order to minimize how much they have to work. Instead - Avon catalogs, solitaire games, water cooler chattiness and body image issues abound. Now you can guess the predominating gender of this crew also...


Maybe I am just being a scrooge and not recognizing that ye ole Saint Nick'll be dropping by next week and people just aren't quite with it this week. Maybe. Or maybe I've just completely lost my tolerance for people expecting that I can relate to their obsessions over the latest +/- 5 pounds, kickboxing, soccer practice for little girls (that weren't planned mind you), or the brand new Endeavor SUV that no one else ought to own "because that's why I bought it - it's new and cheap and I wanted to be the only one to have one for the holiday". Yeah ok. I'm right there with ya sister. Or the soap operas - and I don't mean ABC's latest oooh-ahh craze, I mean old school soap operas that I did used to watch... when I was 13! LOL


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