Friday, January 14, 2005

Words Have Consequences...

Yes, George. They do. It's true. Congrats. You want a medal? Maybe a glowing endorsement in the history books? You're forgetting one of life's other lessons - "sorry" after the fact don't always cut it. "Regret" doesn't change anything for the millions of people affected by your policies. And maybe more importantly - $40 million and "I'm glad to celebrate" somehow seem to nullify any and all attempts to admit mistakes. So if you've got something on your mind - don't feel the need to censor...bring it on, dude! We're not listening either way.

Speaking of not listening - can anyone explain to me why steroid regulation is suddenly top 5 issue of the month?


Blogger Anonymous said...

But... but... but... he has a Mandate!

Blogger Rykit said...

Steroids are in the top five problems for one simple reason.
Its called misdirection.
Make the foolish public watch this hand, while the other signs bills to limit or remove freedoms all of us have taken for granted, or continues to spend money in a losing war.
The general population are saps. Just look at the election. Most people seem to have voted on issues that should be entirly irrelevant, gay marrage, abortion, "morals", ect. All because thats about all that was talked about durring the campaigns. Notice how no one mentioned the nation wide sales tax Bush is concidering, or the social security he never fixed, the patriot act's inability to stop even 1 real terrorist (though it did put a lot of innocent people in jail) or any of the other government problems.

When you are out of bones, throw a stick, the dogs of society will chase what ever they can and be happy about it.


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