Are Our Icons No Longer Sacred?
What times are these ...
- Hillary Clinton faints during a speech
- Don't you know we're now watching your every move as a potential presidential candidate? If you're going to faint - chose a more strategic maybe half-way through W's state of the union addy?
- The Pope (you don't honestly think I remember what # do you?) has the flu and is said to have had a "breathing crisis"...
- hate to break it to you but the Pope is a figment, a story based down through the centuries, perpetuated as any good tale is, through judicious use of smoke and mirrors and in this case, ancient old dudes with pale skin and near-death ambience...
- Hmm can a dude have ambience?
- Can I call a Pope a "dude"?
- And do any of these q's actually matter one iota?? LOL
- GI Joe is captured by AL Qaeda and passed off as a live human hostage and this is not cause for red alert?! Shocking. What next? Will we let them capture Barbie too? Maybe Ken. The military's made it clear their likely opinion of Barbie's light-footed male compadre...
- Fiona Apple's album remains hostage in the SONY vaults - no clear sign of a commercial hit single, they say. Yeah but this is the woman with the album who's title was so long, it's now referred to as "Title" - at least to her fans....all 6 of them or so. Ahem. Free Fiona!
- Spongebob is in trouble...can't remember why though. But that's just wrong.
- ...and our all too infamous lover-not-a-fighter's trial is underway. Word on the street is that Teletubbies star, Po, will testify on MJ's behalf...maybe a diamond studded purse was part of the deal. Either way their home planet refuses to offer comment.
Huh, didn't hear about Hiliary. I would think passing out from a stroke while trying to contain one's rage at the SoU addy might be more appropiate -- if there's enough actual substance to get outraged at.
I think the Pope passed into the Dead White Guy category years ago, and is either a) an automatron or b) being kept "alive" by the most unholy of means. You know, that Vatican library is rumored to have some really powerful Black Magic texts... Of course, whenever I hear "dude" I think Lebowski. Lewboski as Pope, there's an idea...
Re: Ken being a bit light in the loafers... Ever hear Stew's song "Ken." Check it out:
The song (well, OK, pretty much Stew's whole set) went over like a lead ballon when he opened for John Mayer and the Counting Crowes last year -- what a surprise. Well worth checking him out, though. He's a great story-teller, and has a good ear for melody too. Check out his other band, The Negro Problem (which he doesn't tour under -- wonder why? Wouldn't have to do with the obligatory long-winded explination that Stew is a large black fella' who's likely too smart for his own good with a twisted sense of humor who is likely to start rambling on about Derrida mid-set, would it?)
Fiona Apple. I saw Fiona Apple. She played a college down the street from me back in the day. The GF's sis knew where the back entrance to the auditorium was, so we got in for free. She was... underwhelming. She seemed very young and uncomfortable on stage. She also mangled Hendrix's "Little Wing," which is a mortal sin as far as I'm concerned.
SpongeBob is gay because he holds hand with his best (male) friend Patrick too much for Focus On the Family's tastes.
Hmm, SpongeBob gay... Let's see. He does have a rather large... nose. And a high-pitched voice. On the other hand, he's not really buff, and his fashion sense is wanting. Plus I always thought he kind of had the hots for Sandy (ooh, interspecies relations!) Dunno, seem's a toss-up to me. :-) Hmm, SpongeBob is a very accepting kinda' fella -- maybe he goes both ways? Wait a sec, aren't sponges hermaphrodites? Yup, that clinches it -- he's pansexual! Free love for all, regardless of gender and species!
Are you sure that Po isn't taking the stand in his defense?
But really, I think the ultimate answer to this question lies in the answer to the question: "Who would Jesus do?"
G.I. Joe, a prisoner of Al Quita???
I think not. NTM which Joe are you talking about?
There is no way Snakeeyes is going down for some half baked religious/polotical nut jobs.
I mean come on, their soldiers don't even have cool helmets. I saw pictures of Sadam's crimson guard, they looked like homeless people. This is what the crimson guard should look like
And they should have ray guns and laser rifles, not some crap AK47s.
If you're going to write about Joes getting captured please get your facts straight.
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