Thursday, February 24, 2005

Why This Trekker is OK With The End of It All

Let's go about this systematically shall we?

  • Star Trek the tv series franchise has been a miserable excuse for carrying on Roddenberry's vision ever since Voyager and even DS9 was a fair bit weaker than TNG.
  • What we saw was a gradual, dare I say planned??, decline in the quality of writing after TNG, somewhere inside DS9 and solidified by Voyager and Enterprise.
  • I won't even go into Enterprise. It would be a waste of my time ... and frankly not having watched that much of it, may not even be all that fair. Though that doesn't change my opinion one iota.
  • We have such a solid base of fans and the universe is so rich with ideas and potential that killing it off is incredibly dumb. And...resistance is futile. But that goes both ways. We can't fight the powers that be and have not been able to so far. So Enterprise will end very soon and with it the ST universe ... for now. But Paramount also is going through a changing of the guard and someone is going to realize that a revival of the ST phenom can only mean $$ but only if it is done right.
  • What's right? Well that's the point - they haven't cared about that in a long time. Hence Berman and company have been heading ST into an early grave at warp factor 9.3.
  • But there are fans out there with PhDs for crying out loud and someone at some point is going to tap into this great fount of fandom and find us not only good writers again but someone who can play Roddenberry's clone, and like Kahless be the resurrection. SOmeone who understands why this mean so much to so many all around the world and can translate that into a not only a message medium but also a $ machine for the industry. After all - isn't that what it's all about anyway?
  • The $ aspect of it all is what makes the least sense. Fans gladly pay through whatever proverbial orifici of their bodies you wish to imagine in order to have boxed DVD sets, figurines, books, costumes, props, scripts, schematics, models, etc etc etc. I've only scratched the surface. And yet it's being shut down? Even the books are being scaled back. Well of course - when you've gradually backed off on the writing talent such that even the core fans are disgusted and bored with the concept and have to resort to rewatching TNG on DVD through Netflix for the gazillionth time with their friends and family. But we're onto this not-so-subtle ruse of theirs - I just don't get it. Are the tv execs that disgusted with the ST universe that they would kill a clear money maker? Not for long my friends. Remember - this is a glorious hotbed of greed that we live in.
  • Soooo - bottom line is, Trek means Gold-pressed Latinum for all the grubby Ferengi out there and that means ST will be back. One day. And the loyalest of fans will still go to cons and play in RPGs and talk amongst themselves until someone can break through to take their place in Paramount and bring this all back to us. Done right, Roddenberry-style.


Blogger Rykit said...

Well said well said.
I've been saying this for years now. The only way to kill ST is to first kill the fanbase.
I don't understand why they want it dead because like you said ST is a garunteed cash cow. The fans don't ask for much:
semi intgeresting characters and story ideas
neat effects

When shows like farscape, stargate, firefly, and even lexx are able to offer these simple items, its rediculas that ST hasn't steped up to the plate to do the same.
There are good, even great writers out there.
There are a ton of scietists would would be willing to check the science in the show, for free.
There are a lot of undiscovered actors and actresses who are very talented and weren't hired for their spread in Maxim.
And with the computer tech we have now effects are cheaper than ever.

I will say this, with the loss of ST we don't have any non scifi channel space shows.

Blogger Rykit said...

oh one more thing.
Who wants to bet that we'll see a reality based ST show with the stars of past who aren't doing anything now:)

These 8 former star trek stars will all have to spend the next 6 weeks living in a full scale model of the star ship enterprise.


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