Tuesday, July 26, 2005

The Latest Obesity Pill

Feeling full prevents overeating?

The company being created around this is called Thiakis.....hmmm...thigh - a - kiss? Fascinating. I'd like to have been at _that_ marketing meeting...

Don't get me wrong with my sarcastic tone - i'm all for lowering leptin and (other) adipose hxs.& adipose hormones (the article seems to think that leptin is outside of this group but it is another adipose hormone)..but...haven't we heard a lot of these promises before? So let's not all dream of the days when controlling appetite with a chemical switch is _the_ way to a slim, trim, tight bod! Not anymore than usual anyway (for _some_ of us that is...K-achoo-S...not naming names naturally)...

BTW they're thinkin' a nasal spray or an injection...heck why not just toss it in with the msg, serve 1/10 the average portion size and charge just as much to cover the cost of this new-fangled "health benefit"...or maybe in the toothpaste - but then again the restaurants and food manufaturers (oops - freudian slip! lol) manufacturers won't be able to directly benefit...or will they?


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