Monday, July 04, 2005

Lions and Tigers, OH MY?!

Umm - I heard about this a few days ago - when my little sister came running in to tell me about the "Liger" she just saw on tv. The what? Yeah you heard me right, 'Liger'. A lion-tiger breed. So really this post should be titled: Birds do it, Bees do it, even cross-bred mammals do it.

Hmm - you can probably imagine my response - though age appropriate at the time - was really more akin to "What kind of f'n perversion is that?"

So basically - I can't quite figure out if this was done by "accident", i.e. "nature" such as it exists in a Zoo, took over and well ... the liger (and tigons apparently at other zoos) was born...sterile..most likely...or far worse - the zookeepers types were bored and decided to have a little fun with breeding. Maybe they were drunk or something and decided it would be cool to coax a lion to mate with a tiger - however _that's_ done! And as for sterility, they have yet to test to find out it sounds like...Things that definitely make one go Hmmmmmmmmmm.

Ahhh - this presents an interesting possibility though - this interspecies breeding. After all Dubya is - for all of us just outside of Jesus land and otherwise unaffiliated with said organization - an ass (and yes, dear Dogberry, it is writ). And so if we were to cross said ass (as he hath doublecrossed us collectively for so long now) with a horse (now Laura dearest - you aren't that hard on the eyes but bear with me here - for the sake of science and your lost liberalism...and no liberalism is not herein a euphemism for virginity...) then we would get a mule!

Ah and a mule would bring us that much closer to the promised land. I speak of the '40 acres and a mule' to put it in plain terms. And if that mule don't pull, Daddy's gonna buy us a recession, fool!


Blogger Rykit said...

Ligers have been around for a while. I've seen one up fairly close at King Richard's Faire for the last few years. The big cat girls there have one. Its monster big. Not sure how it was created, but I'm pretty sure it was semi naturally, maybe a little turkey baster action.

On the subject of W, I heard on the radio yesterday that scientists have sucessfully inserted human brain cells into a chimp and are currently testing to see how it increases his thought ability. As to how that relates to W, feel free to speculate among your selves.

Blogger ladymurasaki said...

hmm - fascinating. So let's see - what could you mean? That W is a chimp and needs a human brain cell infusion? This option is potentially acceptable, although it does seem to insult chimpanzees. And makes us even more curious why W is so staunchly opposed to stem cell research. But, you know what they say - you can take a man to the water to drink, but you cannot make him drink. IOW, the man's gotta to want to make a change. First stage is denial (not just a river...etc etc *groan*) after all...


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