Sunday, June 19, 2005


Many of you have read the trials and tribulations of KS - and some of who haven't the foggiest wth I mean - which is a-ok. Point is - my feelings have sort of mellowed out about her. What I mean is - she doesn't annoy me nearly as much as she used to. Why is that? Am I being brainwashed? Tortured by the repetition? Beaten down by the daily insanity? Or have I simply realized that we are all a little cuckoo - and some of us are more comfortable exhibiting that to others ... and others of us don't really know the difference well enough to be bothered with, let alone knowledgeable of, the comfort level of others.

LOL - well all i can say is - and this is def an inside joke - she has her Shirley days but mostly she's just what J said: nothing more than a living breathing, chatting rep for Middle America. And what pray tell can I say to that? Not much - other than to run in the other direction. Fast.

Seriously though - I think it is two things. 1) I have realized that she can in fact have her decent human being moments, more than one might think even...and 2) i really don't care anymore - she's clueless and oblivious therefore anything I say will go in one ear, get stuck on its way out and suffocate to death since all oxygenated blood has been diverted to that part of her motor cortex responsible for jaw-flappin and vocal cord vibratin. And yes - thems be technical terminologies. You best learn em if your gonna take that there Boards... :)

Ok - enough yabbering. Gonna read and get some sleep - eek - gotta take the spirit in for some serious "doc what's wrong with her, is she gonna die" heart to hearts with the mechanics at the 7:30!!! Ouch. Not that I don't have to already be up a good hour _at least_ before that. But it's still the principle of the thing. :)

On another note - I wish I had a mechanic in my close friends repertoire! LOL Other people wish for doctors and lawyers - but I got both of thems....I need a mechanic! My more superficial side says I oughta have just dated one and left on good terms. Hmm - isn't that an oxymoron?

That - or I need better tools and the confidence to depressurize my fuel system, and replace the fuel filter...because I bet anything that is part of the problem... But what do I know? I'm just a girl. Sing it Gwen.


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