Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Weather Girl...

So what's up with people that make a habit of bemoaning the weather - no matter what kind of weather it is?

Here's what I mean - past couple days it's been raining and chilly. Not exactly freezing kinda chilly. But no black ice. No silver thaw in the am. Just rain. And lots of it. And clouds and more of those. Ok - but everyone and their mother had something negative to say about the rain. I can't wait for this rain to stop. I just can't stand the rain. It's so g/d wet and cold. Etcetera. You get the idea - maybe you are even one of these!

But um - let's see today's Tuesday and umm all weekend it was "gorgeous" if I recall correctly. And furthermore tomorrow and Th are slated to be "gorgeous" as well. Sun returned this afternoon no less.

So where's the problem? It can't rain once in a while?

And anyway - only a WEEK ago - we had a HUGE blizzard. LOL And by huge I mean 3-5 inches of snow. ROFL Get my drift? No matter what the weather is doing - somehow it aint' right. And this happens _every_ year. Every year spring rolls around according to the calendars anyway - and the sun comes out and dries up all the snow and it gets nice and warm and people start to chill out relax - thinking yay managed to get through that winter without buying snow tires after all or something similar - and then BAM last (or even second to last) snowstorm of the season hits and snow days abound. So why so much gnashing of teeth?

And is this a strictly New England type of phenom? I imagine tosome extent it is given that in Los Angeles for example, there's only so much complaining about the weather one can do..."can't wait for this smog to clear up" must get old real fast. of course - weather patterns all around the world do seem to be changing something awful. And if Bush and his cronies get their way with their Reclaim the Wilderness* and Clear Skies iniatives - then maybe just maybe everyone can get in on this bitching and moaning about the weather thing. Hmm. Guess I better get used to it:

I really am sick and tired of the mud on my shoes - can't it just dry up and be summer already? LOL

* because you all won't be needing it anyway now that we are finding new and improved ways to shorter the life spans of folks who can't really afford to go see the wilderness and lengthen them for folks who can go out and build their own wilderness in their backyards far away from much needed oil sources, and furthermore you're all on medications to allow you to adjust to your surroundings anyway so what does it matter what we do - you won't notice regardless...and if your not on medications, you oughta be but in the meantime, go check out the new tv shows and various banal movies, that oughta eat up any free thinking time you might have pretty nicely....etcetera etcetera


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