ahh the moaning of the hoars...
i speak euphemistically or perhaps poetically of those little beasties that make us of the female persuasion a bit difficult to be around at times! now there's a topic of little intrinsic poetic value in some people's minds - but did i ask for _those_ people's opinion? Of course not. :)
Anyway - life is good - the sun is shining and I finally got my writing block all unclogged and dealt with. Kind like being constipated for a while - at some point you just gotta sit on the pot and take care of business one way or the other. may take a few times before you clear out the garbage that backin things up - but eventually...and prunes help. with both. LOL ok ok so i'm delving into a bit o potty humor today - how come? dunno.
but - no longer feeling like a fresh dung glob hanging off the side of a monkey's a**. that was most of last week - and wasn't that much fun either. sometimes - feeling glum can be fun in a sick sort of way, this was not one of those times. didn't fuel any dark sadistic creativity or anything like that so i'm glad it's over with for now...
now - on to write about the events of the world...ha. later that is.
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