Saturday, March 12, 2005


Wow - it has been awhile, non? I could just say I've been busy and leave it at that but I think the truth is that little miss Nettie - who I suspect fell into me blog by pure freak accident - kinda rattle my cage without even knowing it most likely. For those of you sick of hearing about her - worry not - i'm not talkin about her at all. I'm talking about the fact that so many people seem to be not simply clueless but less than clueless - as in, they don't even realize there is a clue to be had let alone realize that they are not in possession of said clue. People worry me. And I recognize that living where I live, having been through the tragedy of November 2nd, and all the subsequent aftermath - colors my view, perhaps even makes me more cynical than I might otherwise be. However, allow me to assert once more for good measure, that Americans are sheep. Or lambs or some sort of fuzzy creature known for negative capacity for free thought and therefore ripe for the slaughterhouse of the dominant force(s).

Sigh. I'm clearly not in a good mood today eh? LOL On the contrary - I'm in a great f'n mood - because there's a heck of a lot less work for me to do once I've decided that there's no point in trying to save people! Something awfully freeing about that. But I'm only 1/3 joking - after all, what _is_ the point of "saving" people from themselves if they have no concept of the need to be saved in the first place? It's like doing a emergency rescue mission for someone dangling off of a cliff and they want to get into an argument with you once you get there, that they aren't on a cliff at all and all is peaches and cream. And meanwhile an avalanche is advancing but they don't want to talk about that either - bc it doesn't exist.

See this is the kind of delusional thinking that I see all around me - even here in so-called bluest of the blue states. I mean people here are so-called progressives but that just amounts to a whole lot of lip service to the latest catchphrases like "fair trade". What the heck is fair trade anyway? gotta jet - more later. :D Peace out!


Blogger Rykit said...

Fair trade is the exchange of goods or services of equal value. For example, a bunch of carrots for a bunch of bannannas would be concidered a fair trade.

150$ for a blow job would not be fair trade

Blogger Rykit said...

Oh and you shouldn't give up on people. If you give up on them you are really just giving up on your self.
Oh except for me:)
I'm unfixable, mostly because I like being broken.


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