Joy to the World of Reality Shows
There is a new one: "Wickedly Perfect" – the search for the new Martha Stewart. Why? I’m not even sure where to begin with this one. First off, Martha’s not dead. And second, we ain’t heard the last o’ her yet. Oh no. No woman who has the cahones to throw a cast iron pot, or whatever it was, at her former biz partner is going quietly into Camp Cupcake never to be heard from again. No – my friends – the Kmart line and the magazine and the whole darned franchise may be suffering while she’s locked up but she’s still scheming, she is. And whether that’s a good thing or not - we’ll have to see. But I know the Martha phenom is far from gone because though I’ve never traveled the NYC scene, I didn’t have to in order to hear the phrase “that’s so Martha” in reference to someone’s soiree going off without a hitch and ‘oh, isn’t it just so’ – ness. Dahling. Anyway – Martha Stewart will write a book, or two. Martha: Living Behind Bars and Decorating Small Spaces. Maybe a 3rd: Crabapple Cuisine. And in the meantime, a new reality? Well hell – they’re dirt cheap and that is a good thing, at least as far as the networks are concerned.
And people wonder why I gave up watching tv years ago…
Cool -- so what are the contests? Does one get points for being able to go from smarmy to bitchy at the drop of a coin? Is their a cast iron toss contest for both distance and accuracy? Does having multiple personality disorder help?
What's the dismissal catch-phrase going to be? Will there be a live cam from cell block 3C with Martha so she can chime in on the precedings, and so the viewers can watch her cell become a progressivly more luxurious place as the weeks pass?
hm - dunno about contests but maybe more like apprentice and such - we can have martha chime in, as you say, with her own version of the real "you are the weakest link"...until finally the perfect match is found and ... *gasp* martha weeps.
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