Friday, June 24, 2005

Real Bloggers Have Curves

MIT Survey on bloggin shared by a new blog-pal: PearlBear...
Take the MIT Weblog Survey

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Aural Entertainment

Go here for some cool funky tunes to keep you awake!

KCRW (thank you Eric for the intro oh so long ago) - Blueprint rules!

Real Synthetic Audio

Hey - every blog needs the occasional cyber-shout out right? :)

In case Nelly or any other conservative types are still tuning in - here is a definition of "aural" for ya! :P

Death of the Wrap

I have just realized that I am gradually shifting into a style of blog writing that does not hold tight to the need to wrap up each post. Problem is I ramble a lot and so I always feel like I shouldn't leave people hangin after taking them on a wild romp through the deep dark cerebral recesses....

BUT I guess my truly cynical self is back in action again - oh yeah - and i don't give a anymore. LOL

That - or I'm just toying with writing styles again...


Are RPGs like writing groups?

I found myself telling a group of women I was in a workshop with earlier this week that I was in a writing group instead of launching into a full fledged explanation of just what that meant. A) wasn't interested in the onslaught of questions and looks that would have resulted and B) we didn't have the time and C) who cares?! LOL

Seriously though - that made me that entirely accurate? I think it is - but why don't people usually think of it that way? Or do they? Am I totally out of it?

Ok don't answer that last one. I'm self-aware enough to know the answer. :P

Then there's this guy Kovak...



No - you don't need to know if you don't understand what that means....

Even if you _do_ know what it means - you don't need to understand either. ;)


Question of the Day

According to the news and Voxpop (Public Radio) - one of the questions of the day is "How long should a person be responsible for their past?"

My short answer for right now while you all ponder on your own is:

Until they take full, open and honest ownership for their actions and how those actions have impacted others either directly or indirectly. And made any appropriate reparation for those actions to the extent possible and applicable. That last part is hard to quantify of course but the community at large _ought_ to be such that we can all figure those kinds of things out together in a productive and meaningful way. And yet - we don't live in those kind of communities anymore do we?

Sunday, June 19, 2005


Many of you have read the trials and tribulations of KS - and some of who haven't the foggiest wth I mean - which is a-ok. Point is - my feelings have sort of mellowed out about her. What I mean is - she doesn't annoy me nearly as much as she used to. Why is that? Am I being brainwashed? Tortured by the repetition? Beaten down by the daily insanity? Or have I simply realized that we are all a little cuckoo - and some of us are more comfortable exhibiting that to others ... and others of us don't really know the difference well enough to be bothered with, let alone knowledgeable of, the comfort level of others.

LOL - well all i can say is - and this is def an inside joke - she has her Shirley days but mostly she's just what J said: nothing more than a living breathing, chatting rep for Middle America. And what pray tell can I say to that? Not much - other than to run in the other direction. Fast.

Seriously though - I think it is two things. 1) I have realized that she can in fact have her decent human being moments, more than one might think even...and 2) i really don't care anymore - she's clueless and oblivious therefore anything I say will go in one ear, get stuck on its way out and suffocate to death since all oxygenated blood has been diverted to that part of her motor cortex responsible for jaw-flappin and vocal cord vibratin. And yes - thems be technical terminologies. You best learn em if your gonna take that there Boards... :)

Ok - enough yabbering. Gonna read and get some sleep - eek - gotta take the spirit in for some serious "doc what's wrong with her, is she gonna die" heart to hearts with the mechanics at the 7:30!!! Ouch. Not that I don't have to already be up a good hour _at least_ before that. But it's still the principle of the thing. :)

On another note - I wish I had a mechanic in my close friends repertoire! LOL Other people wish for doctors and lawyers - but I got both of thems....I need a mechanic! My more superficial side says I oughta have just dated one and left on good terms. Hmm - isn't that an oxymoron?

That - or I need better tools and the confidence to depressurize my fuel system, and replace the fuel filter...because I bet anything that is part of the problem... But what do I know? I'm just a girl. Sing it Gwen.


Ha - got you with that title eh? :)

Well let's just say that my ride home from work Friday was momentarily pretty exciting. Basically I was going down the long road off campus with a lady on my tail itching to burn rubber when a small light brown fox came into my peripheral vision on the left.

It was beautiful - and of course I braked, hoping that Ms. TGIF would do the same even if begrudgingly. Obviously, she did. LOL And the fox kind of skipped along towards us at a diagonal then stopped, stared for a second or two and then bounded forward - it's body elongating and it seemed almost like a miniature greyhound for flash before it leapt off into the woods after crossing both intersecting roads. It must have been a young fox given how small and lean it looked but what do I know about foxes? :)

Anywho - it was definitely a Le Petit Prince-esque moment...Then again I didn't even try to tame the fox.

So Proud of Ines (Mushy alert)

Though I doubt if she is feeling that right now as I am eternally a very bad friend...not too sure that will change too much either as apparently I do not seem too terribly concerned about it - save a little guilt that nags like a hangnail...but I have none of the proper religious background to be truly guilt-ridden at least not about something like this.

In any event - that girl there's a bonafied M.D., a physician, a doctor...a healer! And solidly on her way to finally being the pediatrician that she ought to be cuz she's just too damn cool to be anything else! And anyway - what better way to be a T'RU kid and get paid for it!

So - if she sees this or even if she doesn't - I'm proud of ya girl! :) *big hugs to a big sis* Love Me

Thursday, June 16, 2005

The Kindness of A Boy

My faith in humanity was recently restored - if even for a moment - by a young boy working at the local farm-like store. I say farm-like because really it is just a cutesy overpriced fancy produce stand with some assorted pricey items, a deli, knicknacks usu of the polish variety and a small convenience section probably for the college folk next door.

Anyway - it is summer now - at least as far as hiring new help is concerned and one of the newbies was a boy of no more than let's say 15 yrs, but probably closer to 13?? I'm not great with ages anymore - that skill kinda wore off a few months after no longer going every week at least once to shadow my pediatrician mentor back "down south" in CT.

And this young man had the amazing insight to notice that the pear I was buying for my in-the-car snack on the way to pick up my sister, was a bit "pushed in" and "mushy" up top. "Is it supposed to be that way?" he asks. I blink and look again at this pear I had chosen merely on the basis of a quick squeeze...looked at it as if I had never seen it before, as if I were suddenly seeing through another eyes. The moment passed and I said, "No i guess not." And _then_ he asks if I want another one and should I get one for you? Wow - at this point my eyes were probably wide. "Sure..." While he retrieved the pear, I comment about what a sweetheart the kid is to the cashier, who is probably only 16 or 17 herself and totally barbie'd up with makeup and some silly hairdo with clips and such...She wasn't impressed.

He returns and I go on my way. But maybe for the next 30 minutes or so - well I couldn't help but think how wonderful that simple act had been and how it colored the rest of the afternoon in such a delightful way. I don't think any pear ever tasted quite so good. Maybe a bit of an exaggeration but maybe not.

But then my twisted little mind begins to wonder and wander....why did the boy do what he did?

Another time recently - maybe 2 months ago or so - I was in the parking lot of the local bank, waiting for my sister to come out of the ATM machine. And a lady pulls up with a young man in the passenger's seat next to her. She does her thing in the ATM bbehind my sister and I happen to look over at the car - what else is there to look at right? And the radio was probably some silly nonsense from the "too liberal" NPR (yeah right - saving this comment for another blog entry)...and let me tell you something, in our town it is rare when anyone smiles at you let alone a young teenaged boy of the predominant demographic status (in other words he and I may share more genetic material with each other than either of us do with George Bush ( or so one can hope) but we do not share the same level of melanin activity - ya dig?)...And yet this boy smiles at me like the sun has shone for the first time in months - or some other obnoxiously saccharin cliche...the point is - I've rarely seen a smile that lit up a human being's face as marvelously as his did. And he shared it with me....but why? Who knows? But both of the incidents had me pondering...Are you pondering what I'm pondering, brain? LOL

No clue what any of it means - doubt that it means much...but I do find it fascinating that the new generation is proving to contain a few gems, a few unmarked souls...and I've had occasion to meet just a few of them in a silly little New England town such as mine. Makes one want to grab ahold of them all and say "Don't lose it - whatever it is. Don't let the MAN get you down, dude....stay strong, stay happy....stay in school." LOL But then I'd have to create a whole new blog after I get out of prison or the mental facility to chronicle those ponderings.

*this note brought to you by the makers of PlaCbo - a new medication for today's double blind society.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

Month's Hiatus

Well I'll be gosh durned - it's been how long since my last post? LOL Time flies eh? Well basically I've had a bunch of other writing outlets to pour energy into - RPG work and ... just to prove I'm not superstitious, I'll admit it - I'm trying to write know, a lil ole summ'n summ'n (how the heck does one spell that silly utterance anyway)...A NOVEL maybe even. LOL It may not be worth anything by the time I finish - but heck - girl's gotta try right? :)

So let's see - how about a post totally unlike most of my posts but typical for blogs in gen...a here's what i'm doing kinda thing...totally narcissistic and yet practical for the many friends - if I still have any, I've been horrible at contacting them as well! Sorry guys... :D

hmmm - so what have I been up to? Home improv projects, and no not like theatre improv or comedy improv...more like spend $ at Home Depot then do things like put in new toilets, revamp an unfinished mold-ridden attic, ditto to the basement, landscaping, gardening, and the other more banal but critical things-around-the-home.

Job's still the perfect job for me - and KS is still just as annoying and I'm still supposed to be her supervisor somehow or other without any real guidance on wtf that actually means. But heck - I pretty much make my own hours, and rule over a little feifdom here in the Valley, get to still be a scientist once in a while, take classes for free, be outdoors on a regular basis, garden like there's no tomorrow and get fed once a week - so what more can I ask for? Oh and right I get paid too which keeps the debt demons fed on a regular basis as well. Damn demons.

Haven't been much of anywhere but desperately needing a hiking trip again real soon.

Well hopefully the next hiatus will be far less than a month! Cheers - and good luck to my homies back in F'ton. Ju can do it! :D