Monday, February 28, 2005

holy samoleons!

She's invaded my world - it was an evil plot after all!!! open up her blog and there is this insane little banner at the bottom of the page with freaky kiddie/evangelist type sayings and they don't go away!!! They're on every page now! I don't give a f*** that your socks don't match - GO AWAY little girl. Jesus. How did I let this freak into my palace of irreverency? Open door policy doesn't mean you have to walk through - girly girl. So get back into Harvey and go away. Please. It'd be...swell-o-rific. Ugh. I feel ill now. Crazed conservative christian crazies conspire constantly!

Befuddled am I...

Ok so my last query for the lurkers out there - well I really wasn't expecting an actual lurker so much as my friends who've been awfully quiet of getting a random lurker to comment is one shock. But the other comes from following said lurker's link to her profile and blog. wtf seems some how inappropriate to say to her but OH SO appropriate to say to the rest of my audience. I mean - has she actually read my blog? Can she not read between the not-so-subtle lines and see that we have hmmmmm NOTHING in common other than perhaps the lack of an SRY gene?! I'm dumbfounded. She's not only checking out my blog but feels the need to comment - but why? Why I say? Pure evil intent I am sure. Anyway....back to regularly scheduled programming...

Saturday, February 26, 2005

a new feature to try....

theoretically this will post from my email account - how exciting is
that? well let us see if this works. now sure why i need one MORE mode
of rambling but hey why not eh? LOL


Friday, February 25, 2005

Mirror, mirror...

Or what the heck happened to thomas riker...

just a quick question to you all who lurk there in the shadows reading my ramblings: what woudl you do if you met yourself, a kind of twin of yourself? I.e. you - but the you that took a different path at some great turning point in your life...

inspired by a thread from the star trek universe. discuss amongst yourselves! :D

email feature

guess it did not work - but then again it may take some time. i tried posting from my email acct - a feature i hadn't noticed cool - we shall see. :) well hope all are well and i shall see ya on the flip side! Peace out... -Moi

ahh the moaning of the hoars...


i speak euphemistically or perhaps poetically of those little beasties that make us of the female persuasion a bit difficult to be around at times! now there's a topic of little intrinsic poetic value in some people's minds - but did i ask for _those_ people's opinion? Of course not. :)

Anyway - life is good - the sun is shining and I finally got my writing block all unclogged and dealt with. Kind like being constipated for a while - at some point you just gotta sit on the pot and take care of business one way or the other. may take a few times before you clear out the garbage that backin things up - but eventually...and prunes help. with both. LOL ok ok so i'm delving into a bit o potty humor today - how come? dunno.

but - no longer feeling like a fresh dung glob hanging off the side of a monkey's a**. that was most of last week - and wasn't that much fun either. sometimes - feeling glum can be fun in a sick sort of way, this was not one of those times. didn't fuel any dark sadistic creativity or anything like that so i'm glad it's over with for now...

now - on to write about the events of the world...ha. later that is.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

Why This Trekker is OK With The End of It All

Let's go about this systematically shall we?

  • Star Trek the tv series franchise has been a miserable excuse for carrying on Roddenberry's vision ever since Voyager and even DS9 was a fair bit weaker than TNG.
  • What we saw was a gradual, dare I say planned??, decline in the quality of writing after TNG, somewhere inside DS9 and solidified by Voyager and Enterprise.
  • I won't even go into Enterprise. It would be a waste of my time ... and frankly not having watched that much of it, may not even be all that fair. Though that doesn't change my opinion one iota.
  • We have such a solid base of fans and the universe is so rich with ideas and potential that killing it off is incredibly dumb. And...resistance is futile. But that goes both ways. We can't fight the powers that be and have not been able to so far. So Enterprise will end very soon and with it the ST universe ... for now. But Paramount also is going through a changing of the guard and someone is going to realize that a revival of the ST phenom can only mean $$ but only if it is done right.
  • What's right? Well that's the point - they haven't cared about that in a long time. Hence Berman and company have been heading ST into an early grave at warp factor 9.3.
  • But there are fans out there with PhDs for crying out loud and someone at some point is going to tap into this great fount of fandom and find us not only good writers again but someone who can play Roddenberry's clone, and like Kahless be the resurrection. SOmeone who understands why this mean so much to so many all around the world and can translate that into a not only a message medium but also a $ machine for the industry. After all - isn't that what it's all about anyway?
  • The $ aspect of it all is what makes the least sense. Fans gladly pay through whatever proverbial orifici of their bodies you wish to imagine in order to have boxed DVD sets, figurines, books, costumes, props, scripts, schematics, models, etc etc etc. I've only scratched the surface. And yet it's being shut down? Even the books are being scaled back. Well of course - when you've gradually backed off on the writing talent such that even the core fans are disgusted and bored with the concept and have to resort to rewatching TNG on DVD through Netflix for the gazillionth time with their friends and family. But we're onto this not-so-subtle ruse of theirs - I just don't get it. Are the tv execs that disgusted with the ST universe that they would kill a clear money maker? Not for long my friends. Remember - this is a glorious hotbed of greed that we live in.
  • Soooo - bottom line is, Trek means Gold-pressed Latinum for all the grubby Ferengi out there and that means ST will be back. One day. And the loyalest of fans will still go to cons and play in RPGs and talk amongst themselves until someone can break through to take their place in Paramount and bring this all back to us. Done right, Roddenberry-style.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005


well that (the wabbit) was boring. lol thanks anyway though.

anywho~ gotta head out - but hey! what's up folks? guess i've been kinda quiet eh?

just drowing in my own personal hell is all - nothing else more exciting than that. lol want details?

lol seriously though - getting back into a writing kick so i'll post more soon. promises. promises.

and i STILL want to know how the tests went.... do tell.

and congrats to a new blog viewer for an interview - want details when it happens! and they say "Here's your desk... and your secretary"....ahem. ok one outta two should be right? :P

hey y'all - hang in there - spring is on it's way. i heard it on the wind last night. ROFL


my pet!

Monday, February 14, 2005

No Time....


no time for a rant today - sadly. but i did see an amusing take on the day: Singles Awareness Day (read the acronym). Glad to say I did not create that one. As in - yeah I'm single, so what? Neither sad nor cynical about it. It just is. And anyway I have too many plants to take care of to go looking for a human being to water and fertilize on a regular basis too....know what I mean?


How'd the test go guys? *kisses*

Sunday, February 13, 2005

Happy Day

Well the day is nearly upon us - the one where that universal symbol for L-O-V-E has graced all the department stores, discount shops, pharmacies, grocery stores and every other locus of good ole fashioned consumerism ever since the end of the last excuse to plunk down a few greenbacks you don't have to give away for someone you barely know even though you've been associated with them for anywhere from overnight to 30 some odd years. After that you either wise up and don't bother anymore or you finally did get to know each other in less than positive ways, at least as far as the relationship is concerned...

Anyway - that day is tomorrow. And some of my friends will be graced with an exam as a little present from the ever-generous academicians of the Deathstar...Whoo hoo cardiac output. Now that's what I call solid gold lovin'. And if any of you are reading this prior to said adventure down memory lane - ahem - need i say it? "Get back to work! or sleep!" :P

I'll finish this rant tomorrow. Just in case. Love y'all as much as my stroke volume and heart rate will allow...

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Update: THe Nameless Post

Well I've had at least 3 things I wanted to write about in as many days but all of them just flittered their way out of my head as soon as I got anywhere near anything remotely like a writing implement. Sigh. I need my car to be set up for voice recording or something. Or a brainwave scanner that could automatically transcribe my thoughts on command....hmmm - man, I might actually be able to finally write that tell-all novel if I had one of those!

Have put the novel reading on hold - opting instead for various mags and books related to gardening....feeling the oncoming of spring and the growth of dormant lifeforms...which is amusing of course as we are about to be hit once again with more than a foot of snow in the next 24 hrs. maybe even up to 2 feet. who hoo.

well off to a class - it is on 3-D modeling - so a kind of architectural design class precursor...taught by a dude who used to have his own business making part of the class turned into a kind of entrepreneurial how-to infomercial with all of his props and mockups of the booth he designed for trade show appearances. fascinating stuff but where the hands on fun in that? lol - then we made structures out of paper to withstand weight within certain parameters (one sheet of 8X11 card stock only, cut, fold, no glue, no fasteners etc, 3 inches or higher from the ground). alex's structure held 86 lbs. mine - well i kinda forgot to double up on my structure like i had planned so i will be redoing mine and i'll let ya know. lol

but i will be late if i do not i shall return for more tales of ... something. :) maybe the mouse droppings ...

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Are Our Icons No Longer Sacred?

What times are these ...

  • Hillary Clinton faints during a speech
    • Don't you know we're now watching your every move as a potential presidential candidate? If you're going to faint - chose a more strategic maybe half-way through W's state of the union addy?
  • The Pope (you don't honestly think I remember what # do you?) has the flu and is said to have had a "breathing crisis"...
      • hate to break it to you but the Pope is a figment, a story based down through the centuries, perpetuated as any good tale is, through judicious use of smoke and mirrors and in this case, ancient old dudes with pale skin and near-death ambience...
      • Hmm can a dude have ambience?
      • Can I call a Pope a "dude"?
      • And do any of these q's actually matter one iota?? LOL
  • GI Joe is captured by AL Qaeda and passed off as a live human hostage and this is not cause for red alert?! Shocking. What next? Will we let them capture Barbie too? Maybe Ken. The military's made it clear their likely opinion of Barbie's light-footed male compadre...
  • Fiona Apple's album remains hostage in the SONY vaults - no clear sign of a commercial hit single, they say. Yeah but this is the woman with the album who's title was so long, it's now referred to as "Title" - at least to her fans....all 6 of them or so. Ahem. Free Fiona!
  • Spongebob is in trouble...can't remember why though. But that's just wrong.
  • ...and our all too infamous lover-not-a-fighter's trial is underway. Word on the street is that Teletubbies star, Po, will testify on MJ's behalf...maybe a diamond studded purse was part of the deal. Either way their home planet refuses to offer comment.